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发布人:     发布日期:2022-03-07   浏览次数:



· 姓名: 洪培

· 职称: 副教授

· 电话:

· 邮箱:peihong@ahnu.edu.cn




2013年毕业于安徽师范大学 生态学专业,获理学硕士学位

2020年毕业于中国科学院大学 环境科学专业,获理学博士学位

2020年至今 安徽师范大学 必威betway中文版 讲师、副教授

2021年至2022 香港城市大学海洋污染国家重点实验室 访学



· 安徽省115”创新产业团队助理

· 2022年芜湖市科技特派员






· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目批准号:421070792022-2024,主持.

· 安徽省重点研发与开发计划,项目批准号:202104i070200012021-2024,主持.

· 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,项目批准号:2108085QD1592021-2022,主持.

· 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目,项目批准号:KJ2020A00762021-2022,主持.

· “皖江流域退化生态系统的恢复与重建”省部共建协同创新中心2020年开放课题,项目批准号:CIWB022,主持.

· 安徽师范大学博士启动基金项目,主持.

· 参与国家自然科学基金项目2项,环保部水污染控制与治理科技重大专项1.



1、 代表性论文(*为通讯作者):

Hong P, Zhang K, Dai Y, Yuen CNT, Gao YX, Gu YL, Leung KMY. Application of aerobic denitrifier for simultaneous removal of nitrogen, zinc, and bisphenol A from wastewater. Bioresour technol, 2022, 354: 127192.

Yang K, Bu H, Zhang Y, Yu H, Huang S, Ke L*, Hong P*. Efficacy of simultaneous hexavalent chromium biosorption and nitrogen removal by the aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri YC-34 from chromium-rich wastewater. Front Microbiol. 2022,13: 961815. 

Hong P, Yang K, Shu Y, Xiao B, Wu H, Xie Y, Gu Y, Qian F, Wu X*. Efficacy of auto-aggregating aerobic denitrifiers with coaggregation traits for bioaugmentation performance in biofilm-formation and nitrogen-removal. Bioresour Technol. 2021, 337:125391.

Hong P, Huang Y, Chen M, Xiao B*. Efficacy of inorganic nitrogen removal by a salt-tolerant aerobic denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonas sihuiensis LK-618. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 2021, 44(6):1227-1235.

Hong P, Wu X, Shu Y, Wang C, Tian C, Wu H, Xiao B*. Bioaugmentation treatment of nitrogen-rich wastewater with a denitrifier with biofilm-formation and nitrogen-removal capacities in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Bioresour Technol. 2020, 303:122905. 

Hong P, Gong S, Wang C, Shu Y, Wu X, Tian C, Oscar O D, Cai P, Wu H, Xiao B*. Effects of organic carbon consumption on denitrifier community composition and diversity along dissolved oxygen vertical profiles in lake sediment surface. J Oceanol Limnol, 2020, 38(3): 733-744.

Hong P, Shu Y, Wu X, Wang C, Tian C, Wu H, Donde OO, Xiao B*. Efficacy of zero nitrous oxide emitting aerobic denitrifying bacterium, Methylobacterium gregans DC-1 in nitrate removal with strong auto-aggregation property. Bioresour Technol. 2019, 293:122083. 

Hong P, Wu X, Shu Y, Wang C, Tian C, Gong S, Cai P, Donde OO, Xiao B*. Denitrification characterization of dissolved oxygen microprofiles in lake surface sediment through analyzing abundance, expression, community composition and enzymatic activities of denitrifier functional genes. AMB Express. 2019, 19;9(1):129.

Shu Y#, Hong P#, Tang D, Qing H, Omondi Donde O, Wang H, Xiao B*, Wu H*. Comparison of intestinal microbes in female and male Chinese concave-eared frogs (Odorrana tormota) and effect of nematode infection on gut bacterial communities. Microbiologyopen. 2019, 8(6): e00749.

Cai S, Wu H, Hong P, Donde OO, Wang C, Fang T, Xiao B, Wu X*. Bioflocculation effect of Glyptotendipes tokunagai on different Microcystis species: Interactions between secreted silk and extracellular polymeric substances. Chemosphere. 2021, 277:130321.

Oscar O D, Stanley, MM, Tian C, Tian Y, Hong P, Cai Q, Yang T, Wang C, Wu X, Xiao B*. A novel integrative performance evaluation of constructed wetland on removal of viable bacterial cells and related pathogenic, virulent and multi-drug resistant genes from wastewater systems. 
J Water Process Eng, 2020, 33: 101060.

宋柯峥, 蔡启佳, 洪培,邓青辉, 王纯波, 肖邦定*. 武汉南湖可溶解性有机物的来源组成与空间分布组成分析. 环境科学与技术,2021, 44(3): 121-129.

洪培, 疏义林, 胡宇, 柯丽霞*. 2种真菌培养液对食用菌菌丝体生长的影响. 中国食用菌 2013, 32(2): 33-35 

温婷, 代文嫣, 秦江雪, 陈明林, 洪培*. 生物科学专业师范生批判性思维调查与影响因素分析, 教育观察,  2021, 10(37): 95-99.





· 2020年获中国科学院院长优秀奖

· 2020年指导本科生获安徽省生物标本制作大赛二等奖

